TB/T 3237 Flame retardant technical specification of decorating materials for multiple unit train
This Standard is applicable to the flame retardant decorating materials for the multiple unit train with an operation speed larger than or equal to 200km/h. This Standard specifies the flame retardant property requirements and test methods for the decorating materials for multiple unit train.
Test Method
GB 2406 Oxygen index test
UIC 564 Combustion test
GB 8323 Smoke density test
TB 3237 Part 4.4 Smoke toxicity test
Reference Standard
GB/T 2406.2 Plastics - Determination of Burning Behavior by Oxygen Index
GB/T 10707 Rubber - Determination of the Burning
GB/T 8323.2 Determination of Optical Density by a Single-chamber Test
UIC 564-2 Regulations relating to fire protection
We also can provide the following service of fire test to Railway
EN45545-2 Fire protection of railway vehicles: Requirement for fire behaviors of materials EN45545-3 Fire resistance requirements for fire barriers
NFPA 130 Standard for fixed guideway transit and passenger rail systems
DIN5510-2 Fire behaviour of materials and parts, classification, requirement and test methods
BS6853 Code of practice for fire precautions in the design and construction of passenger carrying trains
NF F16-101 Railway Rolling Stock Fire Behavior Choice of Material