Flight Management System GNSXLS 17960
Compact, single-box full Flight Management System (FMS) providing control for aircraft's navigation sensors including built-in GPS receiver, computer-based flight planning, fuel management and frequency management GPS receiver incorporates receiver autonomous intergrity monitoring (RAIM) for enhanced accuracy on GPS-derived IFR approaches as well as en route and terminal navigation Uses less depth (6.5") than comparable self-contained FMS making it easier to install in pedestals All flight management functions and system controls are controlled via keyboard on panel Offers Fault Detection and Exclusion (FDE) enabling it to be used as primary means of navigation during transoceanic and remote area operations Accepts position and velocity information from up to four external sensor positioning units for inputs of one dedicated Inertial Reference Sensor (IRS) input, two other inputs for IRS and one input for an Inertial Navigation System (INS) Includes VORTAC position unit (VPU) processor which automatically selects best available DME/DME and VOR/DME measurements from VOR/DME, VORTAC, TACAN and ILS DME units