With its sweet yet savoury umami flavour and tasting notes ofmolasses, balsamic, tamarind, caramel, and potential healthbenefits, the black garlic is growing steadily popularity in theworld.
Ready to eat, easy peelFunky, soft and chewy, none of the after-smellNo Additives, no Preservatives, just Black GarlicTwice the Antioxidants of White Garlic–higher polyphenol contentsContain the S-allylcysteine (SAC) which is support healthy bloodpressure and blood sugar
Uses: Black Garlic pairs well in egg dishes, veggies, pizza,soups, stews, or as the a versatile ingredient, used indressings, dips, sauces, spread. You can also eat the blackgarlic as a supplement or snack.