Fresh Brown and White Eggs
Grade A 70grams
30eggs per tray
12 trays per carton
*Specifications:* Brown colours Weight: 65gms to 70gm In the Interior of the egg a thick albumin and medium dark yellow yolk colour Thick and smooth shell for the brown shell eggs
Free From New castle diseases Avian influenza Contagious diseases Salmoneliza free Mycoplasma free
Empty, pre cooled 40’ ft freezer containers are loaded with each having a holding capacity of 1312 cartons. Each empty containers is pre cooled to temperatures between 2 degrees Celsius to 5 degree Celsius. The cooling once started is not stopped until the container reaches its final destination.
Export Packing Specification : -
30 eggs laid on paper pulp moulded trays. ‘12’ trays packed in – ‘5’ ply strong export cartons 360 – eggs per carton box 1312 – carton box per 40ft – Reefer container 472, 320, – eggs per 40ft Reefer container No movement of the egg in the carton box No movement of the egg carton inside the shipping box Adequate padding inside the egg carton, and adequate padding surrounding the carton on all sides of the box to prevent any movement