Brief introduction
Product name: Galinstan
Other name: Gallium Indium Tin, GaInSn
Appearance: Silver white in room temperature
Spec: Ga:In: Sn=68.5:21.5:10 by wt, or as required
Melting poinnnt: 6-10℃
Boiling point: >1300℃
Main usage: thermometer filling, replacement for mercury, coolant, chip
Package: 1kg per bottle
Due to the low toxicity and low reactivity of its component metals, in many applications, galinstan has replaced the toxic liquid mercury or the reactive NaK (sodium–potassium alloy). Metals or alloys like galinstan that are liquids at room temperature are often used by overclockers and enthusiasts as a thermal interface for computer hardware cooling, where their higher thermal conductivity compared to thermal pastes and thermal epoxys can allow slightly higher clock speeds and CPU processing power achieved in demonstrations and competitive overclocking.