Beauty & Personal Care
Hair Hygiene
Other Hair Hygiene
Green Grass Oil
Green Grass Oil
FOB Price
Main Products : Aleppo soap, savon d'alep, Syrian beauty suppliers, handmade syrian soap
Hamra, Le Commodore str, near residence palace hotel Beirut, Beyrouth
Green Grass Oil Details
Place of Origin
Green Grass Oil Introduce


Natural hair green grass oil is a best a solution for people who is suffering from hair loss every day, it will help your hair to stop fallen, and protect it, and you will get a desired results after a week of use it.


1. Put a little of oil and scrub your scalp smoothly, leave it

for 3~4 hours then wash it with warm water.

Repeat it every day.

2. To get best results of usage, put fourth cup of oil in a small bowl

and heat it for 5 minutes, then leave it until become cool, and

then you can use the oil after get cool to scrub your scalp smoothly,

leave the oil on your scalp and hair 6~8 hours, and then wash it

with a warm water.

Repeat this 5 days a week, and you get a best results.

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