Cleanse body with a shower or bath before getting into theHimalayan Salt bath. Prepare a warm enough bath where thetemperature makes you sweat without it being too hot anduncomfortable on your body. Hydration is important so make surebefore getting into the bath that you have a glass of waterwithin reach of your tub. Dissolve the Himalayan Bath Salts whilethe tub is filling up to ensure that the salt is evenly mixed anddissolved. Pour in about ½ cup of salt in half tub, more for astronger concentration. For a therapy bath suggestions are atleast 2 cups.
Himalayan salt is a type of sea salt mined in the foothills ofthe Himalaya mountains, primarily in Pakistan. Ancient oceansdeposited these salts 250 million years ago when the Himalayamountains were being formed.
recharging your batteriesPromotes better skin hydration, leaving it softer and smootherHelps heal and bring relief to irritating and painful skinconditionsHelps relax and provide relief to cramped muscles