Too geotextile fabrics are characterized by the following:Modern technologies for producing synthetic materials have provided a new polymeric material – geotextile (geotextile,geofabric). The production raw material can be fibreglass, polyester or polypropylene thread with various additives added.
The type and density, performance characteristics and scope of use of geotextiles depend on the raw materials used in the technical production process.
Depending on the production method, two main types of geotextiles are obtained. Needle punched (non-woven geotextile) – made from synthetic and natural fibres (waste from the textile industry) and woven geotextile at right angles. The other is bonded (heat-fixed) nonwoven geotextiles obtained by welding or bonding synthetic fibres. A third option is knitted geotextiles, whose fibres are secured by high-strength thread stitching.
Non-Woven Geotextile
The large number of different types of products with different properties allows the use of synthetic materials in many fields of human activity. EarthShield is a category of geotextiles used in constructing and maintaining roads, tram and railway tracks, car parks, sports facilities and running tracks.
Landscape architects use geotextiles to create artificial reservoirs (reinforcement of shorelines for ponds, pools, and fountains). The arrangement of planters, rock gardens, gardens and park paths can only do with synthetic materials. The use of geotextiles prevents the spread of weed roots but, at the same time, allows moisture and air to pass through without affecting the site’s ecosystem. Agriculture has become an important field of application where geotextiles of different densities are necessary to construct drainage systems, such as mulch for gardens and horticultural crops.
Geotextile Fabric Project
Geotextile Fabric Project
Non Woven Geotextile Fabric
Geotextile Fabric Project
Geotextile Fabric Project
Geotextile Fabric Project
Geotextiles are sold in rolls that vary in length and width. The density index of the geotextile is indicated by the mark on the package. Geotextiles are lightweight and easy to transport and store.
Too geotextile fabrics are characterized by the following:
Friendly, with no negative impact on the environment and human health;
Resistance to aggressive environments, natural elements, microbial and rodent reproduction;
Mechanical strength, ability to withstand increased loads, enhanced performance;
Versatility, being able to choose the density of the geotextile for various areas of activity;
Elasticity, elasticity, compactness; ability to maintain heat transfer, transfer moisture and air;
The affordable price range allows using this material in construction, production, private gardening and gardening. The laying process does not need the use of special or construction equipment, so the cost of the work is reduced.
Choosing the appropriate geotextile density is necessary to solve a building or gardening landscape problem. Manufacturers produce many kinds of geotextiles, so when selecting materials, you must pay attention to the markings, which are density indicators.
So the geotextile density (in g/m2):
17.3 – Applicable to agricultural activities to protect seeds from weeds and pests;
42.6 – for the arrangement of greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses;
60 – for wrapping drainpipes and as weed protection;
100 – dikes used in landscape design to reinforce artificial reservoirs;
150/200 – Necessary for arranging drainage systems, pavements, and waterproofing of foundations.
250 – suitable for parking lots and road surfaces;
300 – Available for truck parking.
350 – allows you to get high-quality coverage of loaded roads (in the future);
400 – suitable for runway construction;
In constructing facilities with high-performance requirements, geotextiles with a density of more than 500-600 g/m2 must be used, and the product specifications cover 100 g/m2~1000 g/m2. Selected geotextiles will help solve specific problems without significant material and time costs.
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