It is formed by microbial degradation of the dead biologicalsubstances. Its specific properties and structure depending on agiven sample source from water or soil to extract the specificconditions.Products we have are humic acid powder, granular humicacid and humic acid crystal.
Humus in soils and sediments can be divided into three mainparts: humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FA) and humin (HM). HA issoluble in alkali solution, but not soluble in water and acid, FAis soluble in alkali, soluble in water and acid; the HM isneither soluble in alkali, nor soluble in water and acids.
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(2). Effect to seeds and roots system
Working as natural seed germination and room stimulant.Promotegermination of seeds and growth of root system.Humic stimulatesthe membrane of seeds to form a strong roots, which is decisiveto increase the capacity of root to take up both micro and macronutrients.
Suitable for all crops with base and top dressing,600-800kgs/ha(Granular humic acid,crystal humic acid).Toincrease the organic carbon ratio in soil, humic acid powder issuggested.