Individually Quick Frozen from Chile , fruits as Blueberries,Maquiberries and Raspberries.
Are the result of the sortingand cleaning of mature blueberries. Berries are then carefullyand individually quick frozen. This product is manufactured undercontrols established by Global Standard for Food Safety BRC,Issue 7, approved by SGS.
SIZE: > 14mm
PACKAGING: Enclosed in non-sealed low densitypolyethylene, 30 Lb, (13,62 Kg) bag in a 30 Lb, box
Are the result of the sortingand cleaning of mature and sound fresh organic blueberries. Theberries are then carefully and individually quick frozen,preserving their natural color and flavor.
This product is manufacturedunder controls established by Global Standard for Food SafetyBRC, Issue 8, approved by SGS and KIWA BCS Öko-GarantieGmbH.
SIZE > 12 mm.
PACKAGING: Enclosed in non-sealed low densitypolyethylene, 30 Lb, (13,62 Kg) bag in a 30 Lb, box
Organic and wild Maquiberriesare carefully and individually quick froze, preservig theirnatural color, amazing properties (antioxidant 4 times more thanBlueberries) and flavor.
SIZE: 6 to 9 mm.
PACKAGING: Enclosed in non-sealed low densitypolyethylene, 30 Lb, (13,62 Kg) bag in a 30 Lb, box
Are the result of the sortingand cleaning of mature and sound fresh raspberries. The berriesare then carefully and individually quick frozen preserving theirnatural color and flavor.
This product is manufacturedunder controls established by Global Standard for Food SafetyBRC, Issue 7, approved by SGS, UKAS Certification .
SIZE: ≥14mm