Super Long Pistachio (Akbari) is the most luxury, the highest quality, and the best type of export pistachio in Iran. It is more elongated than Ahmad Aghaei Pistachio, Round Pistachio (Fandoghi), and Jumbo Pistachio (Kalle-Quchi), has a higher commercial value, and is known as super long pistachio. Super Long Pistachio’s (Akbari) kernel is larger and more elongated than other types of Iranian pistachio and has a very good taste. For this reason, more than 80% of the produced amount of Iranian Super Long Pistachio (Akbari) is supplied to major global marketsas natural pistachio, closed-mouth pistachio, and roasted salted pistachio. Super Long Pistachio’s (Akbari) shell color is dark cream bony that is easily peeled off. Super Long Pistachio’s (Akbari) fruit is almond-shaped and is produced in sizes 20-22, 22-24, 24-26 in Iran’s pistachio-rich regions.