Iranian Rice
Iranian Rice
FOB Price 2.61 - 2.85 USD / in killos
10 100 Ton
Bandar Mahshahr - Bandar Abbas - Bandar Anzali
in packages of 5 and 10 kilo
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Iranian Rice Introduce

Hashemi Rice, the Essence of Iran in a Unique Taste

Hashemi rice is one of the best and most popular types of Iranianrice, known for its unparalleled taste and flavor. This rice isgrown in the provinces of Guilan and Mazandaran and is known asone of the most expensive types of Iranian rice due to its uniquearoma and flavor.

Taste and Flavor of Hashemi Rice

Hashemi rice has a sweet and pleasant taste and a very goodaroma. This rice has a very beautiful appearance due to its longand slender grains.

Benefits of Hashemi Rice

Hashemi rice is rich in nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein,fiber, vitamins, and minerals. This rice is a good source ofenergy and helps to boost the immune system. Hashemi rice is alsobeneficial for improving digestive function, regulating bloodpressure, and losing weight.

How to Eat Hashemi Rice

Hashemi rice can be eaten as boiled rice, steamed rice, pilaf, orstew. This rice has a special place as a main dish on Iraniantables.

Where to Buy Hashemi Rice

Hashemi rice can be purchased from local markets, chain stores,and online stores. When buying Hashemi rice, be sure to selectfresh, high-quality rice.


Hashemi rice is a natural and healthy product with a unique tasteand flavor. It is rich in nutrients and consuming it isbeneficial for health. If you are looking for a delicious andenjoyable rice, try Hashemi rice..

Rosha Sadid Tejarat Spadana Trading Company is ready to cooperateand register your major orders.

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