⊙Excellent lubrication
⊙Excellent durability
⊙Low friction coefficient(0.07)
⊙Safe thermal resistance
⊙Chemical resistance
⊙Wide use range(-54°C∼260°C)
⊙Drive belt, gasket, packing, gear, bearing, sleeve
⊙Leather and plastics used for chain drive
⊙Lubrication of synthetic rubber
⊙Coating of the cable made of metal, fabric, thread, rope, twisted yarn, loop, natural fiber and synthetic fiber
⊙Machine parts and assembly including nuts or bolt, joint pipe and connection pipe lock, motor saw blade, machine, electric equipment, tool
⊙Metal work including pushing, rolling and pulling
⊙Use of precise AV equipment like musical equipment, magnetic recording tape, camera shutter and film
Liquid 1ℓ
Bulk 20㎏