We are delighted to present to you a unique opportunity toprocure the most prestigious and delicious vanilla fromMadagascar, the birthplace of this precious spice. Our vanilla isgrown with love and expertise by local farmers who usetraditional methods passed down from generation to generation,ensuring unrivaled quality.
Characteristics of our Madagascar Vanilla:
• Origin: Madagascar, the “Big Island”, renowned for its superiorquality vanilla.
• Quality: Grade A, the pods are fleshy, soft and rich in aromas.
• Texture: Soft and juicy, perfect for extracting vanilla seedsfor cooking.
• Pod size: 18-20 cm on average.
• Packaging: Vacuum sealed to preserve freshness and flavor.
• Perfect for baking, ice cream, drinks, and sweet dishes.
• An essential ingredient to enhance your culinary creations.
Price negotiable
Delivery: We deliver worldwide by DHL.
How to Order: To order our exceptional Madagascar vanilla, pleasecontact us. We would be happy to answer any questions you mayhave and provide you with additional information.
Don't miss this opportunity to get the highest quality Madagascarvanilla. Savor the essence of this rare and precious spice ineach of your culinary creations. Order now and let yourself beseduced by the magic of Madagascar vanilla.