+Prepared for the precious and beautiful eyes +
Essential for these people
+ People who wear lenses for the first time
+ Needed for children in the growth period and students
+ People who are uncomfortable with eye glass
+ People with astigmatism
+ People with eyes getting dry often normally
+ People with xerophthalmia
+ people who suffer from frequent adverse effect when wearing soft contact lenses for long time or continuously
We are making lenses only for healthy eyes
Boston materials
Boston XO developed by the US company Bausch & lomb is the material certified for safety and reliability. It has a high oxygen permeability 100DK and supplies sufficient oxygen to the cornea during waring the lenses. Healthy eyes, spherical lens and aspherics lens of TheONE lens that protects the health of the healthy and comfortable eyes are the most economical and ideal lenses among RGP lenses
+It is the safest lens with excellent oxygen Permeability.
The cornea is avascular tissue without blood vessel and therefore, Oxygen supply is very important.
Boston XO is with DK value 100X10-11 and can now supply enough oxygen to the eye. As such, you can continuously wear it while always maintaining a pleasant and comfortable state because the eye does not become dry and tired.
+It is effectively inhibiting myopic progression anymore
Near-sight staring at a young age will progress until the age of 20 and more to make eyesight worse. Wearing a hard contact lens will prevent the severe myopic progression by inhibiting the growth of cornea.
It Keeps your eyes Healthy
TheOne Spherical lens(T.O.S)
Refers to a lens with the center valus is equal to the side value. The lens is effective in reducing the deposition of protein secretions and discomfort by making the tear retention and circulation smooth
TheONe Aspherics lens(T.O.A)
Refers to a lens with the side value increasing where surpassing 20° from the center. It is entirely aspheric and designed according to the actual corneal structure so that you will feel comfortable and smooth and do not feel foreign matter sensation or discomfort when waring it and therefore. It is an ideal lens.