Lactokan : An ideal milk fat and milk produce enhancer for dairy animals
Composition :
Each 100 gm contains :
Calcium : 6.8g
Saccharomyces Cervisiae : 14g
Herbal Galactagogues : 10g
Bypass Fat : 66g
Excipeints : Q.S.
Advantages :
Assists in Increasing milk production.
Assists in Increasing milk fat.
Improves digestibility of feed.
Improves body score condition in animals.
Assists in reducing heat stress in animals during summer.
Assists in improving energy content of feed.
Prevents Negative Energy Balance in animals.
Dosage & Recommendations :
For Overall Growth
o Calves / Heifers : 30g per animal per day
o Old Animal : 40g per animal per day
o Working Animals : 50g per animal per day
For Prevention of Negative Energy Balance
o One Month Before parturition: 100 to 150g per animal per day.
o After parturition (Upto 150 days) : 100g per animal per day.
Mixing Ratio in Feed
o 1.5 to 2% in feed or 15-20kg per tonne of feed.