Liquid seaweed extract
It is the seaweed active substance essence extracted withbiological extraction technology, using fresh Scagassumseaweed/kelp, besides seaweed polyphenols in the seaweed extract, there are Iron, manganese, copper, molybdenum, boron, magnesiumand other trace elements and polysaccharides, salicylic acid,jasmonic acid and other natural substances. It can effectivelystimulate the production of non-specific active factors in plantsand adjust the balance of endogenous hormones, improve thetransport effect of nutrients in crops, induce crop growth andreduce abiotic stress mechanisms, and stimulate crop defense andosmotic protection. Enhance the resistance of crops, improve theeffect and utilization of pesticides, and perform well inimproving the physiological characteristics of crops.
Seaweed extract manufacturing process:
Low-temperature storage ofseaweed-cleaning-breaking-dehydration-solventextraction-continuous countercurrent extraction-multi-stage andmulti-effect low temperature concentration-vacuumfiltration-brown algae seaweed concentrate.
Through continuous countercurrent extraction combined withintegrated innovation of industrial production technology such aslow-temperature concentration, the industrial extraction andpurity of brown algae seaweed extract have been achieved by leapsand bounds.
Appearance: green liquid seaweed extract
How to use: The proportion of liquid water-soluble fertilizer is5%-20%, and the proportion of solid water-soluble fertilizerspraying is 5-20%.
Package: 1000L IBC