In short, perfume, essence and spice are volatile substances; They have a certain aroma and fragrance, which can be perceived by people's sense of smell or taste; The goal is to achieve a pleasing, spiritual pleasure, and enrich and beautify people's material culture and life.
Perfume is a product of perfume dissolved in ethanol. Sometimes, as needed, trace amounts of pigments, antioxidants, fungicides, glycerol, surfactants, and other additives can also be added. Different types of perfume are formulated through perfumery (that is, the technology and art of blending essence)
Efficacy: Fragrance. perfume is the fragrance given to individual body parts or clothes, bringing people a pleasant feeling. Perfume covers up "body odor". It is necessary to completely overcome the "residual" odor from head fragrance, body odor to base fragrance, that is, spices with high vapor pressure and medium and low vapor pressure should be used to make people smell comfortable and refreshing.