Our company is Located in Jericho; West Bank Palestine, we have anew state-of-the-art packing facility that is 100% owned andoperated by Palestinians. We have majestic Medjool date treesthat are expertly cared for by agricultural experts and localfarmers.
We would like to supply you with freshest and highest qualityMedjool dates from Palestine this season and are hoping to getyour projections for your needs so we can reserve yourinventory.
We can accommodate any size order and pack your private label oroffer one of ours under Via Maris Trade brandlabel.
international grading system based on weight and skin separationis used. Our providers have advanced state-of-the-artcomputerized sorting technology and we are ready to supply youwith the finest quality Medjool Dates.
We offer 3 grades of dates and various package options areavailable to meet your needs, 5 kilo, 2 kilo, 1 kilo, 1/2 kilo(500 grams) and 400 grams or any other size you may be interestedin for your respective markets.