The MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) transistor is a semiconductor device that is widely used for switching purposes and for the amplification of electronic signals in electronic devices. A MOSFET is either a core or integrated circuit where it is designed and fabricated in a single chip because the device is available in very small sizes. Topdiode offer Mosfet as following (part of):
Topdiode Mosfet are RoHS, Reach Compliant; Halogen free(on request) and Metal Conflict Free. Our delivery is fast to 3-4 weeks for regular parts. We are strong in complete management, strict quality control system, and excellent sales service. Sales representative & distributors are all over the world in order to better serve our customers. Recent years, many diodes are in shortage, could you please send us emails and RFQ. We can help you for cost down and solve your shortage problem.