Provide the following services:
- Engineers
- Welding Inspectors
- NDT Inspectors
- Third Party Inspections Representatives
- Conduct Welders Qualification Test (WQT)
- Preparation of Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)
- Qualification of Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)
- Steel Structure, Piping, Boiler, Pressure Vessel Inspection
- Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)
- Hydro/Air Testing of process piping and Tanks
- Shipbuilding and Offshore Engineering for Jack-ups, Semi
Submersible Drilling Unit and FPSO
- Non-destructive Testing includes Radiographic Test,
Ultrasonic Test, Magnetic-particle Test, Liquid Penetrant test
and Eddy-current Test
- Destructive Testing includes Tensile Test, Charpy impact
test, Bend Test, and Macro Test