We offer to introduce into practice a new technology of fish processing for fishmeal.
Technological peculiarities are:
1) All fish nutrients (fat, protein, mineral substances, and vitamins) are preserved in the product. Complete protein utilization, and also utilization
of the most biologically important water ? soluble fractions, makes the fodder product especially valuable. .
2) In this technology the hardness of heat processing is much reduced, because
raw material is not boiled soft and the process of drying is reduced due to the fact that fish mash has become more loose.
(Hardness of heat processing is multiplication of processing temperature by operational time). The higher hardness is, the more Shiff substances are foemed in the product (it?s a chemical compound of protein and fat). Practically such compound is not assimilated in animal?s and man?s organisms.
3) Obtained product contains low percentage of fat.
4) This technology corresponds to the ecological standards. Actually there is no water waste after finishing the processing.
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