A unique Organic liquid formulation (for Foliar & Drip) possesses antibacterial, growth stimulant, properties to act efficiently on all types of vegetable crops, horticulture & agriculture crops for healthy and vigorous .plant population.100% Natural Herbs Juice as a source of useful nutrients. Hormones, enzymes, proteins, phytosterols, Brassinosteroids & alkaloids, amino acids, etc.
Product confirms APPROVED ORGANIC INPUTS STANDARDS and Our organic inputs approved by ECOCERT as per INDIAN, EUROPEAN AND US standards.
Product field tested, and evaluated by various Agri Universities of India for 2 to 3 years period and have been found more effective and economical with Conventional treatments than others traditional organic treatment as well as comparatively more effective and economical than other traditional Organic treatment. As a consequence, the plant grows more rapidly, healthier, stronger and is better able to resist disease. Comparative field-testing has also reported earlier and higher rates of germination, quicker flowering and increased over all crop size. It increase total crop yield, reduce cost of production, and increases crop quality compared to other.