Water Treatment
Odor Removal Tablet 10g
Odor Removal Tablet 10g
FOB Price
Main Products : chlorine dioxide, chlorine dioxide tablet, chlorine dioxide powder, ClO2, Odor removal, shoes care, disinfectant, sterilization, virus blocker Japan, water treatment
No.173 Shuiyuan St. Shijiazhuang, Hebei
Odor Removal Tablet 10g Details
Place of Origin
Odor Removal Tablet 10g Introduce

In few hours viruses and bacteria can cross the world. The pathogens organisms are more resistant against traditional disinfections ways.

Chlorine dioxide has the widest selection of air treatment product and application knowledge to protect you with correct efficiency. Efficient in hospital, offices, clinics, kindergartens, classrooms, barracks, entertainment venues, public transports, shopping malls and other spaces. And also in home application like : kitchen, bathroom, refrigerators, shoes racks, pet room and other small spaces.

Chlorine dioxide can control bacteria, viruses, algae, fungus and some gazes responsible for bad smell like methane . Closed areas like dressing, etc… can be disinfected easily. Also Chlorine dioxide have an effective answer for refrigerators, cold room, food production, frozen work stations treatment without risk on bacterial contamination.

chlorine dioxide offers solution to control bacteria and virus infections. Also chlorine dioxide can be used for cars air conditioning disinfection. Airtab is suitable to treat big areas with high air debit like airport, hospitals, stations, offices, etc…

Useful for air conditioning disinfection. For examples in tours after cleaning of ducting chlorine dioxide can be released inside to disinfect and prevent the mold and bacteria re-contamination. chlorine dioxide is used for fruits transportation eliminating the gases who mix between the fruits and giving a longer life to the fruits controlling the bacteria development.


  Efficient against bacteria,virus,phenols,algae Suitable from a room to building tours
  Control spores,mold,mildews Eliminate the bad odours
  Not corrosive Ph range from 3.5 to 11
Operational between -120ºc. and +80ºc Trihalomathane (THMs) control
Haloatcetic Acids (HAAs) control Cryptosporidium Inactivation
Biodegradability in the environment Nitrification ,Zebra Mussel Control

Applications: water treatment,swimming pool water disinfection, public places disinfection,food factory sterilization, poultry,agriculture,aquaculture disinfectant,fruits preservative,pet disinfection

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