Organic Green Rice (Organic Cholorella Rice)
MAIN FUNCTION It is coated rice through 'evaporative coating method' using natural food ingredients extract No need to wash, simply cook by mixing with white rice in the ratio 7:3 Rice that wupplements nutritive value of white rice which has good taste but with lower nuritive value Rice that supplements taste and digestive power of cereal and brown rice which has good nutritive value but less taste Colorful rice which enables consumers to have healthier, colorful and fun rice by using various plant extracts
PRODUCT INTRODUCTION It is the rice using Chlorella, Chlorella contains various nutrients such as protein, chlorophyll, and minerals. Chlorella helps improve health by enhancing immunity and preventing the acidification of body fluids.
STANDARD & CONTENTS Ingredients and content : Organic white rice (Korean) 99.3%, Chlorella powder (Korean) 0.7% Type : 450g, 500g, 1kg Storage : After opening the product, keep it in the zipper storage bag and refrigerated. Avoid room temperature and direct sunlight.