Groundnut is the major oilseed crop in India and it plays a majorrole in bridging the vegetable oil deficit in the country.Groundnuts in India are available throughout the year due to atwo-crop cycle harvested in March and October. Ground Nuts areimportant protein crops in India grown mostly under rain-fedconditions.
Around 75% of the crop is produced in Kharif (June – September)and the remaining 25% in Rabi (November – March). India exportedaround 100000 tons of groundnut oil in 2003-04 after 4 decades,as crop failed in Senegal and Argentina. Peanuts or Groundnutkernels are approx. 70% of weight in shells and kernels have anoil recovery of 40-42%.
We have a rich nutty flavor, sweet taste, crunchy texture andover and above a relatively long shelf life. Soil conditions inour producing regions are ideally suited for dry, clean andspotless Groundnuts in Shell.