Physical and chemical properties: clear and colorless liquid . it will resolve if it is layed for long . when it is mixed with water ,it will distribute calory , strong oxidant. Contact with organic (carbon ,paper ,timber) will explode .resolve into hydroxide, water and oxygen in case of heat and occur explosion. Gravity:1.75.melting point :-,corrosive, if splash onto skin ,will lead to burn and spain ,it must be seal up
Requirement about transportation: corrosive goods
Purpose of product : useful in steel analysis ,used as oxidizer in foodstuff analysis, raw material in making perchlorate .also useful in purification of manmade diamond, semiconductor, in making of movie film; perchloric acid can separate rich wine, ketone ,and amine in organic synthetize. Used as catalyst in esterification and solvent of acrolein in separating 50% protein solution. Beside ,it can used in electroplate, electronic industry and pharmacy