Polypropylene Filter Cloth Excellent Resistance Corrosion Polypropylene filter cloth, also known as PP filter cloth, finds application in liquid-solid filtration on account of high resistance to most acids and alkalis. Further, it absorbs absolutely, and offers excellent filter cake release.
Therefore, It is preferred where the solids to be retained are of high value such as chemicals and dyes, allowing for chemical and pigment changes can be made with only a light wash between batches.
Polypropylene Filter Cloth High Strength Additionally, the polypropylene fiber offers high strength and is a very light. This woven fiber is widely chosen for its lightness, high strength and excellent resistance to most acids and alkalis.
A latex border can be applied to each panel cloths to provide greater gasketing and sealing properties during the operation.
PP Filter Cloth Excellent Resistance Corrosion alkalis and reducing agents Available for large to fine particle filtration with multiple weave options.
Polypropylene filter cloth The most widely used and most common filter cloth for industrial filtration is undoubtedly the polypropylene cloth.
This material is known for its excellent resistance to corrosion.