Loin Cleaning : Double Cleaning Blood meat off, boneless
Piece : Absent standard Piece of loin bigger than 15cm
Flakes 1-3 cm Double Cleaning 10 % packed separately
Color Typical Uniform light Colour, typical of good quality
Cooked skipjack tuna, No dark green, brown or orange discoloration
Flavour /Odor Typical Typical of good Quality cooked skipjack tuna, no odors of
flavors of decomposition or contamination
Texture Firm Typical of good quality cooked tuna, No Honeycomb,
heavy curd, Mushy or pasty meat
Foreign Matter Absent No foreign matter such as plastic, paper, metal,
insects etc. All bags inspected by electromagnetic metal detector
Salt max 1.8%.
Histamine (ppm) <50ppm
Humidity % : 67-69%.
Heavy Metal
a. Mercury(Hg) 1mg/kg
a. cadmium 0.1mg/kg
Biological Specification
Total Plate Count < 104 cfu/gr
The Polybag Shall be identify, by, at least, the following information
plant name, species name, Lot number or date of production and best before
date by labelling.
Total Coliform 100 ufc / g max
E. Coli 10 ufc/ g max
Aureus : 100 ufc /g max
Salmonella : No detect
Vibrio Cholerae : No detect