1. Radar Detector Specification
1) Radar
-Receiver Type : Dual conversionSuperheterodyne
-Detector Type :Scanning Frequency Discriminator
-Operation bands
a) X-band : 10.525GHz (±50MHz)
b) K-band : 24.150GHz (±100MHz)
c) Ka-bnad : 34.700GHz (±1300MHz)
2) Laser
- Spectral Response :800~1100nm, 360 ̊ Laser Detection
3) General
- TemperatureRange : -4 to 158F(-20 to 70̊C)
-Power Requirements : +12~15V DC,250mA
-Dimensions : 72.0 x 107.0 x 27.0mm
-Weight :115.5g
2. Automobile Battery
3. Oil Filter
Oil filters were of cartridge (or replaceable element)construction, in which a permanent housing contains a replaceablefilter element or cartridge. The housing is mounted eitherdirectly on the engine or remotely with supply and return pipesconnecting it to the engine. It is very important role of enginelubricant oil cleaning & engine durability improvement.
4. Air Filter
Air filter is a device composed of fibrous materials whichremoves solid particulates such as dust, pollen, mold and anyimpurities from the air in order to protect/improve enginemachine & its effect.
5. Fuel Filter
Fuel filter is a filter in the fuel line that screens out dirtand rust particles from the fuel. They are normally made intocartridges containing a filter paper. They are found in mostinternal combustion engine.
6. Cabin Filter
The most crucial part of automobile air-conditioning system isthe vent airflow and only the cleanest, purified air can ensure apleasant car interior environment.
7. Engine Oil