Plant Seeds & Bulbs
Ready Philodendron Melanochrysum
Ready Philodendron Melanochrysum
FOB Price
3 $30
Ready Philodendron Melanochrysum Introduce

Silakan baca Info Toko kami dan Syarat& Ketentuan kami sebelum Anda memesan. Info toko & Syarat Ketentuan kamiadalah dasar kesepakatan transaksi untuk masing-masing pihak(Pembeli & Penjual).

Foto-foto hanya sebagairefrensi. Anda akanmendapatkan tanaman acak. Ukuran dan bentuk mirip denganfoto.

Kami memberikan sertifikatPhytosanitary Gratis untuk memenuhi peraturan hukum pengirimantanaman internasional.

Setelah menerima pesanan, kami akanmenerapkan izin ekspor. Setelah izin ekspor keluar, kami harusmenerapkan sertifikat phytosanitary. Pengiriman akan dilakukan setelahsertifikat phytosanitary dirilis. Waktu pengerjaan berkisar antara 1-2minggu.

Kami menggunakan DHL Express.Ini adalah pengirimantercepat yang kami mampu. Biasanya ke Amerika Serikatmembutuhkan waktu 5 - 7 hari & Pengiriman di luar AS 5-10hari.

Syarat & Ketentuan :

1. Istilah Umum

1.1. By purchasing plant overseas, customer must aware that plantmight not be in its best condition when it arrives due to longtransportation process and plant state (with or without root). Itwill take some times (c. 14 days) to recover.

1.2. It is with best assumption that customer has the knowledgeand experience to take care of the plants.

1.3. It is customer’s responsibility to understand whether theplants are forbidden or not in their country and understand theimport requirement in their country as well.

1.4. Customer shall inform us the phone number and email addressfor DHL/any shipment provider information. Many failure ofdelivery caused by Customer Uncontactable. DHL Express requiresacceptance signature on delivery.

1.5 Customer shall send the import permit to us as attachmentwhile applying phytosanitary certificate (if it’s required bydestination country).

1.5. We don’t accept cancellation order after 2 days orderreceived.

1.6. We don’t accept return or exchange plant after shipment.

2. Export Process

2.1. Customer shall ensure the address for delivery maximum 2days after ordering plant. This address will be a reference forall Export Documents.

2.2. We don’t accept any request declared shipment as Non Plantor other illegal action.

2.3. Please note that some countries require Import Permit orother document. It is customer obligation to provide the requiredImport Permit based on the destination country.

For example (please kindly check to the updated regulation beforepurchase especially during the pandemic):

a. Customer from Canada is required to provide Import Permit.

b. Customer from United Kingdom is required to provide PEACH(Procedure for Electronic Application for Certificates) from TheHorticultural Marketing Inspectorate Government of UnitedKingdom.

c. Customer from USA shall provide import permit if beingrequired by US Department of Agriculture (USDA).

2.4. We have to proceed application of Export permit fromGovernment Indonesia prior to shipping. It usually takes 5 - 7working days.

2.5 After export permit released, we have to apply thephytosanitary certificate as mandatory document priorinternational plants shipment.

3. Custom & Shipping Process

3.1. Plants are carefully sanitized then covered into plasticwith sterilized moist moss. Plants are rolled up in paper toprovide protection for the leaves. We use styrofoam box orcardboard boxes as secondary packaging (For winter time, we alsouse aluminum foil bubble as thermal insulation to maintain thetemperature during shipment).

3.2. We ship plants with Phytosanitary Certificates in everyshipment, indicating that the plants already passed thequarantine inspection and meet customer’s country requirements.

3.3. We will provide shipment tracking number at Etsy System.

3.4. Customer shall understand, shipping duration is depend onthe Custom Clearance process (including inspection and quarantineif required by your country authority). In term of delay,Customer shall contact DHL/shipment provider contact center/local call center.

3.5. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab ataskehilangan, kerusakan, kematian, atau cedera yang timbul secaralangsung atau tidak langsung dari proses apa pun yang disebabkanoleh kebiasaan atau proses pengiriman (penanganan, perawatan, danlamanya waktu pelepasan). Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atasketerlambatan pengiriman karena proses custom clearance (ditahanoleh custom untuk pemeriksaan lebih lanjut jikadiperlukan). Pelanggan setuju untuk tidak memintapengembalian dana atau penggantian tanaman atau kompensasi lainjika hal itu terjadi.

3.6. Izin kepabeanan, bea masuk & pajak(jika diperlukan) adalah tanggung jawab pelanggan.

3.7. Kami tidak akan bertanggung jawab ataskualitas pengiriman.

3.8. Kami tidak menerima paket pengembaliandengan alasan apapun. Pabrik akan dimusnahkan oleh Bea CukaiIndonesia saat kembali ke Indonesia.

Dengan melakukan pemesanan berarticustomer menyetujui SYARAT & KETENTUAN toko kami.

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