Edible oil
Refined sesame oil
Refined sesame oil
FOB Price 750 - 850 USD / Metric Ton
50 Metric Ton
Can (Tinned),Clear Glass Bottle,Drum,Glass Bottle,Mason Jar,Pet Bottles,Plastic Bottle,
Lead Time
3 weeks
Refined sesame oil Details
high quality
Refined sesame oil Introduce

The oil was extracted from sesame seed with two extractionmethods. Traditional (Ardeh oil) and industrial method (coldpressing method: virgin and refined sesame oil) oil extractionwas studied to compare the quality and heavy metal content ofextracted oils. The chemical properties (fatty acid composition,peroxide,anisidine, acid values, and TOTOX) and heavy metalcontents were investigated. The Hazard Quotient (HQ) and HazardIndex (HI) of heavy metal intakes were calculated. The resultsdemonstrated that the predominant fatty acid in oil samples wasoleic, linoleic, palmitic, and stearic acids. It was indicatedthe peroxide, anisidine, acid values, and TOTOX of oil sampleswere as the order of Ardeh oil > virgin sesameoil

> refined sesame oil. The reduction pattern of Pb > Zn>Cu > Cd >As was reported in sesame seed. Although theoil refining had greatly reduced the Pb of oil sample, it had yetbeen much higher than the permissible levels set by CodexAlimentarius. The HQ and HI of all heavy metals were less thanone, but they were higher in Ardeh oil compared to others. It isnecessary to monitor the presence of heavy metal contaminants andthe quality of imported sesame seeds prior to oilpreparation.

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