Alberto Giambone, offers premium quality Best Quality TypicalItalian Rice Baldo Made In Italy Risotto 1 Kg vacuum packed forB2B importers and distributors worldwide. Alberto Giambone islocated in Italy and deals exclusively in the production andexport of Carnaroli Rice and Baldo Rice.It is available in Whitecolor.
Baldo Rice is a little less known than our other cultivatedrices, but it should be widely discovered for its excellentproperties in the kitchen. Among our rices, after Carnaroli, itis the one we recommend most for a home-made risotto with goodcooking resistance and, moreover, having less starch than theothers (this can be seen from the crystalline appearance of thegrain), it is a excellent rice also eaten cold or in salad, oreven better pilaf or baked.
Once cooked, its grains are always beautifully shelled, separatedand retains this characteristic even if it "goes beyond" cooking.In fact, by releasing little starch, it is true that it makesless cream but it does not become "sticky".
RECOMMENDED FOR: Rice salads, al dente risottos, pilaf or steamcooking.