Thatkeeps your Vehicle Rust free for years.
Rust is natural result of our environment. Yournew vehicle will be exposed to environmental conditions thataccelerate the rusting process. We can help control rust byemploying the scientific principles and technologies foundin ecc.
This deviceloads a small static charge into the entire auto body -interfering with the rust and corrosion process in areas thathave lost their protective paint coatings. A similar approach hasreduced corrosion for years on underground pipelines, navalvessels and oil industry installations.
eccElectronic CorrosionControl protects your cars against rust using the most advancedelectronic technology. It is an alternative to the coating methodof inhibiting rust. It is entirely different and feasible, itstechnology is based on the ability of an automobile to create andmaintain a degree of capacitance through the use ofeccelectronicunit. For the light andheavy industry the eccSystem applies. Itis capable of protecting up to 40 square meters of painted sheetmetal. It is possible to protect smaller area such asrefrigerator, washing machine or a vending machine. The diversityof the Heavy Industrial System allows for infinite applicationpossibilities.
Since automobiles areproduced totally coated with di-electron barrier of paint, theneed to protect break in these coatings is significantimportance. As the eccunit goes through itscycling procedure, it forces the impressed electrons to escape atevery 8 to 10 seconds, eccliterally pumps excesselectrons into the vehicle body creating a condenser effectbetween the car body and the eccanodes. The electronsrepel each other resulting in their desire to return to a morepositive home i.e. the anodes and the atmosphere where oxygen hasa natural desire to couple with these electrons. As theseimpressed electrons escape from the automotive body throughbreaks in the di-electric coating, they interfere with therusting process and retard the rusting at local sites.
Protects your car body inside-out and out-in. 100%of sheet-metal Protection!
1 Years limited warranty!
The eccis very easy toinstall. Theinstallation manual comes with the unit. It has 3 wires.
1. Install the module near the battery under thehood.
Clean the surface with cloth.
Remove the backside sticker cover from Module & past it on Vehicle body.
2. The Red wireconnects to the Battery Positive pole (+).
3. The Black wire connects to the Battery Negative pole(--).
4. The Gray wire connectto the car body.
The module areinstalled by simply peel and paste on type with 3M (VHB) VeryHigh Bonded Tapes and the installation harness are all suppliedwith the unit.
InputVoltage: 12 Volt DC
Ground: (-) Negative
Current Draw: 0. 30 ma
"ECC™Capsules" non-sacrificial
Command Module Size:
Anode:50mm X 50 mm
Weight: 230g
Emitting Frequency 2HZ /second
ECC isone of a kind and substantially extends auto body life through“Electrolyte capacitive discharge oxidation interference”(ECDOI), a form of impressed current technology.
TheECC ® Rust Control module attaches to your regular car batteryand draws about as much current as your cars clock. Over every 8second cycle it emits a surge of "free" electrons throughout yourvehicle to the very places your car has lost its protective paintand coatings (through stone chips, scratches, and abrasions) and"shields" these exposed areas from harm. The charge is too smallto be noticed, however the free electrons interfere with therusting process and retard rust and corrosionsignificantly.
ECC isone of a kind and substantially extends auto body life through“Electrolyte capacitive discharge oxidation interference”(ECDOI), a form of impressed current technology.
The ECC electronic rustprotection system is designed to operate in theautomotive environment. Its sophisticated electronics generate aprotective electron field within the metal fabric of the vehicle.This protective field disrupts the normal rusting process bygenerating readily available free electrons, which in the rustingprocess are taken, leaving the steel intact.
TheECC Rust Control module consists of a black color modulewith
1anode wire.
2flashing LED’s Red & Blue that indicate the product isfunctioning correctly.
Overvoltage safety Fuse.
Black& Read Battery wires