Food & Beverage
Fish & Seafood
Other Fish & Seafood
Sea Horse No 1
Sea Horse No 1
FOB Price
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Thailand Thailand, Thailand
Sea Horse No 1 Details
Place of Origin
Sea Horse No 1 Introduce

We are suppliers of Dried Seahorse and dried cucumber in the sale of high grade dried seahorse of all sizes and colors. Our dried seahorse is harvested from the wild and processed properly before sun dried. Our dried sea horse has no chemicals, no dirt, sand or mud. We export our dried seahorse to many countries around the world. Our dried seahorse is wild caught under permit and it is CITES approved. We can supply in all quantities.

Our dried seahorse is harvested from the wild and processed properly before sun dried. Our dried sea horse has no chemicals, no dirt, sand or mud. We export our dried seahorse to many countries around the world.

We have quality stock at competitive price.

Our quality control from my source guarantee the sea cucumber you purchase are of the highest quality.

Our main product are White teath, Tiger Fish, Sand fish, Stone Fish, and Curry fish.

If interested, contact us for best price.

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