Minerals & Metallurgy
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Sheet Metal Components in Brass & Copper
Sheet Metal Components in Brass & Copper
FOB Price
Main Products : Brass Precision Components
O' - 4553, GIDC, Phase-III, Dared Jamnagar, Gujarat
Sheet Metal Components in Brass & Copper Details
Place of Origin
Sheet Metal Components in Brass & Copper Introduce

Specification: Pressed parts can be made as per custom design and specification Material: Brass Sheet Half Hard as per IS 410 or 63/37 Half Hard Brass Sheet. Parts made from Copper & Brass material. Length / Size: Any size as per custom design or requirement Finish and Coating: Natural, Nickel Plated, Tin Plated or any coating as per customer specification. Any kind of brass sheet cutting parts can be developed and supplied exactly as per customer specifications. Visit our website www.neutrical.in for more details

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