Product Description
1) Wide width soft boards, a high-quality plastic-rubber foam composite material, clear and transparent, with smooth surface and uniform color, free from cracks or bubbles. It features high withstand capacity to heat and coldness, high resistance to strong acids and alkali, hard pressure, impact, stretch, ageing and has good antistatic property, high transparency and life service life.
2) Colors
Green, Yellow, Red and Clear etc.
3) Style
4) Standard Sizes
(2--4)mm X (1000--1800) mm X(10--50)m;
5mmX (1000--1500)mm X (10--30)m
(6--8)mm X1800mmX50m
(1)Transparent Soft PVC Sheet Rolls
(2)Competitive price, Flexibility, clarity, durability, RoHS, SGS, etc,
(3)Styles: Smooth, Single Ribbed and Double Ribbed
(4)No poison
(5)No smell and pollution
(6)No crack under -25° C
(7)No arcing over under 10 KV min
(8)No Stick
(9)No bubble
(10)Easy to clean
(11)Application Temperature: -50° C to + 50° C
(12)Flexibility, clarity, durability
(13)Reduces Heat or Cold Air Loss.
(14)Restricts movement of Dust, Grunge, Smoke and Fumes.
(15)Admits Light, Saves time and work.
(16)Providing bird and fling insect control.
(17)Isolates noisy machinery.
(18)Increases employee comfort.
(19)Strong and durable.
(20)Minimum maintenance.
(21)Easy to install.