Solar Road Marker(Cat's Eye Road Marker) Products
- Supply power to road marker by Solar energy and ensure a driver's inducement of line
and safe driving by built-in LED.
- By installing at expressway, general road, tunnel, suspension bridge and under ground roadway etc. prevent consecative traffic accents.
- Origin: Republic of Korea (South Korea)
- Registration of Republic of Korea and US patents
< Features >
- Stiffness: Ensures robustness by updown operation unit.
- Safeness: Day and night time safe rurning even at worsening weather conditions such as
log and heavy rain due to built-in LED by energy accumulation
- Economics: Saving maintenance due to strengthering product durability
* Single-Type and Control-Type(System, Structure-Type)
If you need more information please contact me at kyjung.21ATdaumDOTnet