PSU surge protectorto protect indirect lightning and direct lightning effects orother transient overvoltage surges
AC power SPD, are mainly applicable to the power distributionsystems for Class I / II / III( Type1, type 2, type3) protection.Surge arresters for AC unit are designed to protect the powerunit/line/circuit of electrical equipment from the impact oflightning electromagnetic pulse, induced over-voltage, transientoperation, and resonance( <100μs) overvoltage.
Lightning Protection PDULightning Protection PDU
In low voltage power systems, a surge backup protector (SCB) isan external disconnector used in series with a surge protector(SPD), suitable for AC 50/60hz, 230v-400v range of TT, TN, andother power supply systems, the product power frequency actioncurrent is less than 3A, (8/20s impulse current can pass through120kA).
Adopt the latest arc extinguishing technology to completely avoidfire;
Rigorous structure, stable and reliable work
Voltage switch type SPD
Commonly used non-linear components include zinc oxide varistors,transient suppression diodes, etc., which are a large number ofcommonly used overvoltage protectors, which are generallysuitable for indoor use (ie, L PZ0B, L PZ1, and L PZ2zones).
Different phase of domestic surge protection devices
How does a surge protection system work?
2. Gas discharge tube. The gas discharge tube is composed of apair of cold cathode plates separated from each other andencapsulated in a glass tube or ceramic tube filled with acertain amount of inert gas (Ar).
3. Varistor. The main component of the varistor, the metal oxidesemiconductor nonlinear resistor, is considered to be verysensitive to the voltage when the voltage at both ends of thevaristor reaches a certain value. Its working principle isequivalent to the series-parallel connection of severalsemiconductors Pmurn.
Techwin Inc. is a professional surge protectorfactory or