Out of all the Indonesia islands, Sumatra is the top producer of coffee Robusta coffee beans.
Robusta Sumatra has a distinctive bluish color at the green bean stage which is attributed to lack of iron in the soil. Their taste can often be considered smooth, with a sweet body that is balanced and intense. Depending on the region or blend of regions, the flavors of the land and procession can also be very special. Robusta Coffee Beans are planted in mountainous areas which include of The Sumatra island and its surroundings with an altitude of about 800-1900 MDPL so as to produce good and quality types of coffee, as well as in the process using naturals methods of drying the skin to dry, after drying it is followed by the grinding or milling process. called epidermis peeler which is done with a special technique so that the resulting coffee beans have the best quality!.
Sumatra Robusta coffee has the aroma of dark chocolate, herbal, and earthy notes. Body is quite heavy, so it is suitable for lovers of heavy coffee lovers.