We care about bringing you the best morel mushrooms. Morels aredelicious fried with onions and garlic, they enhance soups, hotdishes, omelets, and favorite recipes. Not only are theyflavorful, but they are also packed with nutrients: high protein,essential amino acids, fiber, vitamins Bs,C,D, calcium,potassium, magnesium, iron, and more. Also, mushroom consumptionis possibly beneficial for overall cardiovascular risk, strokerisk, and coronary artery disease. This is a food from heaven.
We pick the best mushrooms from a burn area in interior Alaska.From there, we carefully haul them home to dry for several daysin the 24-hour sun of Fairbanks. When absolutely, completely dry,we bag them in zip lock bags so no moisture can penetrate intothe mushrooms.
At this great price, you can use them yourself or resell them.
Our morels are $13 an ounce.