Tara has immense medical, nutritional and industrial potential, being very useful for the production of hydrocolloids or gums, tannins and gallic acid, among others. In addition, it is used in the protection of soils, especially when irrigation water is not available, in order to give good protection to many lands that today are in the process of erosion and for commercial purposes. It is frequently used in association with crops such as corn, potatoes, beans, alfalfa, sorghum or grasses. It does not exert much competition with crops, due to its deep, taproot and because it is a nitrogen fixing species; as well as its glass, which is not very dense and allows light to pass through. Due to its small size and its deep and dense root system, it is preferred for living barriers, gully control and other practices related to soil conservation in general, especially in arid or semi-arid areas. MEDICINAL USE: Industrially, it is integrated as part of gastroenterological medications, to cure ulcers, healing, for its astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antidiarrheal, antifungal, antibacterial, antiscorbutic, dental and antidisenteric effects, being those that produce constriction and dryness more used. It is used, very frequently in traditional medicine to relieve throat discomfort; sinusitis; vaginal and fungal infections; washing of inflamed eyes; chronic wounds and decayed tooth; stomach ache; diarrhea; anger; rheumatism and cold; cholesterol cleanser. cellphone / whassap +51968610577 come in contact