Product Name: D-Allulose
HS code:2914400090
CAS code:551-68-8
零血糖反应:阿洛酮糖对糖尿病患者是安全的,可以帮助控制血糖水平。阿洛酮糖不是糖醇,对妊娠糖尿病患者也很安全。 全天然:阿洛酮糖美味,无麸质,不含任何有害添加剂,人造化学物质或转基因成分。 1和1/3茶匙阿洛糖= 1茶匙糖。1和1/3杯阿洛酮糖 = 1杯糖。 阿洛酮糖是一种来自非转基因玉米的多功能甜味剂,是烹饪和烘焙的理想之选。
Zero Blood Glucose Reaction: Allulose is safe for diabetics and can help control blood sugar levels. Alluloses are not sugar alcohols and are therefore safe for patients with gestational diabetes. All natural: Aloxone is delicious, gluten-free, and contains no harmful additives, artificial chemicals, or genetically modified ingredients. 1 and 1/3 teaspoon of allotose = 1 teaspoon of sugar.1 and 1/3 cup aloxone = 1 cup sugar. Allotose is a versatile sweetener from non-GMO corn that is ideal for cooking and baking.