Urea is received from ammonia and carbon dioxide, urea is used inan industry as raw materials at manufacturing of pitches, glues,etc., for use in agriculture as mineral nitrogen fertilizer. Ureacan be utilized in animal husbandry as fodder additive. Dependingon purpose, two urea marks are produced: A- for industry; B- foragriculture. Urea is non-combustible, fire-and is explosion-proofunder normal conditions. As regards to its influence on organism,it falls into 3-rd class of hazardous substances. Urea is packedin paper bitumized of laminated bags, polyethylene bags, wovenpolymeric laminated bags woven polymeric bags with inserts, andalso in soft specialized containers as MKR-1, OS. Urea is storedin closed store rooms protecting the product from rainfall. Atstorage of product in bulk its mixture with other fertilizers isnot permitted. It is permitted to store urea containers andtransport packages fastened by synthetic film on open areas.Warranty period of product storage - 2 years from the date ofmanufacturing.