FOB Price
50KG Bag/Ton Bang
Lead Time
3 weeks
South Korea
UREA Introduce


The product is packaged ina two-layer packaging

Outer layer: PP

Inner layer: PE orHDPE/LDPE,

Net weight 50 kg.


Rawmaterials: From companion gas supplied from DinhCo gas processing plant (Ba Ria - Vung Tau), mainly from gas fromBach Ho field (Cuu Long basin) and natural gas from Nam Con Sonbasin by road. air duct.

Safety, hygiene, health,environment: Fully meet the requirements prescribedby the standards of the State of Vietnam.

Appearance:The visual indicators ofurea were checked by visual method according to the requirementsspecified in the table TCVN 2619-1994, the results: white, orslightly ivory grain without visible impurities. Yes, wellsoluble in water.

Quality criteria(mechanical, physical, chemical, biological, ...)

Target name Unit TCVN 2619-1994 Publication standards
Outer form White, or slightly ivory-yellow granules without visible impurities, well soluble in water.
Nitrogen (N) % 46.0 min 46.3 min
Biuret % 1.5 max 1.0 max
Humidity % 1.0 max 0.4 max
Particle size at 65 . sieve >2.8mm %
1.0 2.8mm % 90 min 90 min
< 1.0mm %

Packaging, labeling, storage, transportation andinstructions for use, expiry date

- Packaging: Urea is packed in plastic bags with anouter layer of PP and an inner layer of PE, ensuring moistureretention and strength without breaking duringtransportation.

- The label is printed on the package with indelible ink,with the following content:

nitrous content: 46.3% min
BIURET: 1.0% max
HUMIDITY: 0.4% max

Name and address of production facility:PHU MY DAMAGE FACTORY - PhuMy I Industrial Park, Tan Thanh District, Ba Ria-VungTau

- Preservation method: store urea in a clean, dry warehouse,protected from rain and sun, not directly on wet floors.Not to be mixed with otherfertilizers and chemicals.

- Transportation: transport on common vehicles, coveredfrom rain and sun.

- Instructions for use: suitable for all crops and all typesof soil.

Expiry date: within 3 years from date ofmanufacture.


Urea nitrogen is suitablefor all crops grown in different soils.


Single fertilizerapplication

Season/Soil Type Amount of fertilizer (kg/ha)
Urea Super unicorn Potassium (pink)
1. Winter-Spring crop
- Alluvial soil
- Acidic soil

200 - 250
170 - 200

150 - 250
200 - 300

50 - 60
40 - 50
2. Summer-Autumn crop
- Alluvial soil
- Acidic soil

170 - 220
130 - 180

200 - 300
300 - 400

50 - 60
40 - 50

The rate of fertilizer foreach period is as follows:

7-10NSS 20-25NSS 40-45NSS
Urea 25% 45% 30%
Super unicorn 100% - -
Potassium 30% 30% 40%

If at the seed-raisingstage, the rice plants show signs of nutritional deficiency(yellow leaves), then it is recommended to apply urea or NPK tosupplement nutrients in time for the plant.

Single fertilizer combinedwith NPK 16-16-8-13S and DAP:

Season/Soil Type Amount of fertilizer (kg/ha)
Urea NPK 16-16-8-13S DAP Potassium (pink)
1. Winter-Spring crop
- Alluvial soil
- Acidic soil

130 - 150
120 - 130

150 - 160
150 - 160

70 - 90
80 - 100

2. Summer-Autumn crop
- Alluvial soil
- Acidic soil

100 โ€“ 130

150 - 160
150 - 160

70 - 90
80 - 100


If at the seed-raisingstage, the rice plants show signs of nutritional deficiency(yellow leaves), then it is recommended to apply urea or NPK tosupplement nutrients in time for the plant.


Nitrogen fertilizersshould be applied to the rice in the cool of the afternoon, thewater level in the field is about 5 cm, which is justright.Nitrogen fertilizersshould not be applied to rice in the early morning because atthat time the rice leaves are still wet with dew, and thenitrogen seeds stick to the leaves, causing fire andloss.Nitrogen fertilizersshould not be applied at noon when the sun is hot, thetemperature is high, the nitrogen will be lost due to rapidevaporation.Nitrogen fertilizersshould not be applied when it rains or when the field waterlevel is too high because nitrogen will be lost due toleaching.


The amount of fertilizerover the period is as follows (kg/ha):

Tree age Amount of fertilizer (kg/ha)
Urea Pour melted Potassium
1 year 200 300 80
Year 2 260 500 100
Year 3 430 600 250

Business stage:

Tree age Amount of fertilizer (kg/ha)
Urea Pour melted Potassium
Business period 430 750 340
Recovery period 350-430 500-750 250-330

You can spray more micronutrients: Zn,Bo, Mg... on the leaves to add nutrients to the plants.Fertilize 3 times a yearas follows:

Fertilization time Fertilization rate in months of the year (%)
Urea Pour melted Potassium
April - May 35% - 30%
July-August 40% 40% 40%
October-11 25% 60% 30%

How tofertilize : dig a trench around the baseaccording to the diameter of the foliage. After fertilizing, backfill thesoil.


Amount of fertilizer forrubber in the basic construction period:

Five years old Amount of fertilizer (kg/ha)
Urea Pour melted Potassium
first 50 150 15
2 120 360 30
3-6 150 450 40

Amount of fertilizer forrubber business period:

Year of shaving Amount of fertilizer (kg/ha)
Urea Pour melted Potassium
1-10 170 450 130
11-20 220 500 160



Divide the amount of fertilizer intofertilizer 2 times/year. For the first time, apply 2/3 ofnitrogen, potassium and 100% phosphorus in April and May (earlyrainy season).The second time applyingthe remaining amount of fertilizer in October.

How tofertilize:

Mix thoroughly, divideand evenly distribute the fertilizer in batches into 1-1.5mwide ribbons in the middle of the rubber stream.For soil sloping over15%, fertilize the hole to keep the color and cover the manurewith leaves, rotten grass or soil.

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