Drinking water is being highlighted as the central factor in maintaining health. The demand of alkali ionizer that have been verified as being medical appliances are increasing to match the customer demand. So we're putting in a great deal of effort for penetrating into the market by developing euro valve and electrolysis system. We are currently doing R&D of and additional new product as a plan to increase sales in the future.
A Variety of models
9 Multi-layer Filter
Fitted with a 9 multi-layer filter, go beyond just cleanness and drink safely water that fresh to the point of being alive with production of negative ion and the anti-germ feature.
E Cell (Electrolytic Cell) Double Auto Change Cross Line System Uses double auto change cross line system(DACC System) 2-stage overvoltage control feature Save product configuration Control the water quality Produce healthy water, alkali water auto change system
Composite Filter Created with the Best Technology
Highly safe Patented technology unique to E-Cell Auto flow change device/passage washing/strong acidic water production