Watermelon is a refreshing and juicy fruit that is beloved aroundthe world. It has a thick, green rind and a sweet, juicy fleshthat can range from pink to deep red in color, depending on thevariety. The flesh is dotted with small black seeds, althoughsome modern varieties have been bred to be seedless. Watermelonis high in water content, making it an ideal fruit to eat on ahot day to help keep you hydrated. It is also a good source ofvitamins A and C, as well as the antioxidant lycopene. Watermeloncan be eaten on its own, sliced into wedges or cubes, or used insalads, smoothies, and other refreshing summer drinks. Its sweetand juicy flavor makes it a favorite of many, and it is a stapleat picnics, barbecues, and other outdoor gatherings during thesummer months.