Whole Milk Powder (WMP) is the product resulting from the partial removal of water frompasteurized milk. The fat and/or protein content of the milk may have been adjusted, only to comply withthecompositionalrequirementsbelow,bytheadditionand/orwithdrawal ofmilkconstituentsinsuchawayasnot to alter the wheyprotein to casein ratio of the milk being adjusted.
The following milk products are allowed for protein adjustment purposes:
· Milkretentate:theproductobtainedbyconcentratingmilkproteinbyultrafiltrationofmilk, partlyskimmedmilk, or skimmedmilk;
· Milkpermeate:theproductobtainedbyremovingmilkproteinsandmilkfat frommilk,partly
· Lactose
Classification |
Protein(percent protein inmilksolids-not-fat)* |
Fat |
Moisture |
Min.34% |
Min..26% Max.42% |
Max.4.5%* |
*Themoisturecontentdoesnotincludewaterof crystallizationofthelactose,themilksolids-not-fatcontentincludes the waterof crystallization of the lactose.
OtherCharacteristics |
MicrobiologicalAnalysis |
ScorchedParticleContent |
≤ 15.0 mg |
StandardPlateCount£30,000cfu/g |
Titratableacidity |
≤ .18% |
Coliform £10 cfu/g |
Color |
whitetocream |
Salmonella negative |
Flavor |
bland, clean |
Listeria negative |
Solubility indexStaphylococcus<10cfu/g |
<1.0 ml |
Coagulase positive Yeast&Mold £100 cfu/g |
Methods ofAnalysis |
Criteria |
ReferenceMethod |
Protein |
ISO 8968-1/IDF 20 part 1 |
Fat |
ISO 1736/IDF 9C |
Moisture |
ISO 5537/IDF 26 |