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Wine Fermentation Vessel
Wine Fermentation Vessel
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Korea (North)
Main Products : wine, fermentation, vessel, water separator filter
103-302 SK Ventium, 522 Dangjung-dong, Gunpo-si, , Gyeonggi-do
Wine Fermentation Vessel Introduce

Product Summary

Fermenter's safely fermented alcohol container facilitates the discharge of CO2 generated during the fermentation, and prevents air inflow from outside, and acetic acid fermentation. You can make high quality alcohol easily.

The product is natural-precipitation style safely fermented alcohol container.

Product Characteristics

It doesn't use soju(alcohol) to produce fruit wine as the other fruit wine does. As CO2 gas is easily discharged during the fermentation, it can prevent the damage(explosion) of a container. It is protected from air preventing it from nitric acid fermentation.

So it is free from decomposition and going bad. It can produce quality of fruit wine with fruits that contain sugar.

It can also produce ferment and wine(fermented wine) with Japanese apricot, herb medicine and eatable flowers.

Product Information

Model number : UF-10 Product standard : 10 Liter Dimension : Ø 260 x 416(H) Weight : 1kg Material Body : PC (Poly carbonate) Cap & cock : PP or PE (Poly propylene or Poly ethylene) Fermentation lock : GPPS Gasket : Silicone

Principle before Fementation

CO2generated during the formentation goes up to the upper part of the fermentation lock through the middle of the pipe, and is discharged via gas outlet at lower part of fermentation lock.

External air is interrupted by water filled at the lower part of the fermentation lock, and does not go into the inside as shown in the figure.

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